Organizational behavior is influenced by four complex sets of key forces that interact with each other.
These forces include people, A structural, technology, and environment. (PASTE)
The people within an organization make up its internal social system, consisting of individuals and groups that can be large or small, formal or informal. Managing these diverse individuals can be challenging, as they have different backgrounds, talents, and perspectives. Managers must understand, predict, and control people to build relationships and motivate them effectively.
The structure of an organization defines the formal relationships and roles of its members. Proper coordination is essential for success, and organizational structures have evolved to become flatter, more complex, team-based, or reliant on contingent workforces.
Technology plays a crucial role by providing resources for work and shaping tasks and working relationships. While it enables people to do more and better work, it also imposes limitations and costs. Examples include the use of robots in assembly lines, the shift to a service economy, advancements in computer hardware and software, and the widespread use of the internet.
Environment:- organizations exist within an internal and external environment. The external environment includes societal demands for improved quality and acceptable prices, while the internal environment involves the dynamics within the organization itself. These forces collectively shape organizational behavior and influence its functioning and outcomes.
An organization is part of a larger system that contains many other elements, such as the government, the family, and other organizations. Numerous changes in the environment create demands on organizations.
Citizens expect organizations should be socially responsible; new products and competition for customers come from around the globe; the direct impact of unions diminishes; the dramatic pace of change in society quickens.
There is a direct impact on several trade unions of organizations.
So all the elements of the environment influence the attitude and provide competition. It must be considered in the study of human behavior in an organization.